Ryan's always a traditionalist when he's sick. He eats soup, abstains from alcohol!!, drinks lots of oj, and watches the simpsons (don't know if that falls under the traditionalist label). But this picture is the most I've seem him smile while he's been ill, and maybe it's because pho is omnipresent. Aforementioned degenerate English teacher we met over bia hoi explained how soup first thing in the morning made his stomach churn; he wanted good ol' bangers and mash. At first I scoffed thinking how unadaptable this made ol' Foley (his first name which he explained as, "you know, like Beverly Hills Cop?"). But I do understand now after 4 days of pho.
The gastronomical nerd inside of me is still so excited to be here. At the enormous market this morning I recognized enormous sticks of fresh turmeric, sugarcane, quail's eggs, really nasty looking centipedes in some kind of slime (are these eventually cooked? I hope so), lots of fresh pig feet, betel nut and more. I feel like I'm trying to take mental notes that might make logical sense for the farmer's markets back home, but I don't think folks here play the same game. Besides, it seems like these markets are borderline illegal. This morning a big police truck drove around and ran vendors forcefully off the street. I waited around to see them pretend to pack their bags, and move 10 feet down the street to spread out again. All to the tune of Chariots of Fire which for some reason was playing at extreme decibel level over the government loudspeakers at every street corner. What a way to start your day.
The gastronomical nerd inside of me is still so excited to be here. At the enormous market this morning I recognized enormous sticks of fresh turmeric, sugarcane, quail's eggs, really nasty looking centipedes in some kind of slime (are these eventually cooked? I hope so), lots of fresh pig feet, betel nut and more. I feel like I'm trying to take mental notes that might make logical sense for the farmer's markets back home, but I don't think folks here play the same game. Besides, it seems like these markets are borderline illegal. This morning a big police truck drove around and ran vendors forcefully off the street. I waited around to see them pretend to pack their bags, and move 10 feet down the street to spread out again. All to the tune of Chariots of Fire which for some reason was playing at extreme decibel level over the government loudspeakers at every street corner. What a way to start your day.
hi ryan.i just reread your blog .i,m glad it,s you ad not me.have fun.
In addition to the still-beating cobra hearts, please also bring me back a giant stick of turmeric and some of those centipedes. Warning: if you keep mentioning awesome things, my wish list will soon rival the 12 Days of Christmas Song.
Love your blog so far...don't envy the diet, but glad it seems to suit you. Don't EVER consider putting the pigs' feet and especially the centipede slop on our table! How do centipedes fit into a vegetarian's diet? Keep enjoying.....M
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